1 SC - Camp Consent
Waiver: I certify that my child(ren) is/are able to participate and hereby give my approval for the above named children to participate in any and all Drop-N-Play activities including swimming. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including transportation to and from all activities; and as a condition of such participation, I hereby for myself and my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for personal injury and otherwise which I may have against Drop-N-Play, LLC, representatives, and successors, for any and all claims of liability. In the event of an emergency, if camp staff is unable to contact me I hereby release authorization for medical treatment.

Payments & Attendance: Drop-N-Play offers a Full-time summer commitment and a PartTime summer commitment.

Full-Time- Weekly tuition is $200 per week for full summer commitment (11 weeks) which includes all
field trip(s) fees,lunch Emerald Pointe Season Pass is paid and supplied by the participant and participant is responsible for their own season pass at all times while attending Drop-N-Play Summer Camp.

Part-Time-.Fees vary for part-time commitment. On average prices range from $245-$300 weekly. Fees include tuition,all trips for that week, snack and lunch. I understand that camp payments are due the Friday prior to the upcoming camp week. A $25 late fee will be applied for payments made after the weekly due date (Friday). Weekly tuition is due regardless of the number of days a camper attends during the week, and must be paid even when a camper is absent for the entire week (full or part-time commitment). Activity fees are pro-rated for part-time commitments.

I understand that weekly activity fees and tuition are non- refundable, and non-transferable. There is a one-time non-refundable $25 registration fee per camper. A $25 non-transferable deposit is required for each week a part time camper reserves and will be deducted from tuition when that week comes up.There will be 1 summer camp t-shirt issued to all campers, additional t-shirts can be purchased at $12.00 per t-shirt. Campers are REQUIRED to wear their Drop-N-Play summer camp t-shirt on ALL field trips. Drop-N-Play reserves the right to hold a camper back from going on field trips if he/she does not have their camp shirt. In the event that a camper is held back from a field trip due to not having Drop-N-Play summer camp shirt on, activity fees and tuition will not be prorated or refunded. Drop-N-Play charges $1/minute for every minute camper is here after 6pm.

Emerald Point Passes: If participant is attending Emerald Pointe it is up to the participant to supply pass or daily admission ticket.Drop-N-Play is NOT responsible for lost passes and or daily admission tickets.